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Become A Epf Agent

To become an EPF agent head over to the  Everyday Phoning Facility located at the Ski Village!  Once you enter you will be in a room made of concrete!
Once you enter it will tell you  your penguin name and Status! The phone will begin to ring. Pick it up to begin!

Epf Test Perfect Score Guide

1. A  Target will appear once you pick up the ringing phone. Hit it with a Snowball
2.  Now you must race from the green to red square! Waddle as fast as you can when it says go.
3. Now you must hide so no cameras can see you. Throw a snowball at the camera and then hide behind one of the concrete pillars.
4. Now you must be clever for this. It will ask you to step on the blue square but DO NOT step on it. Wait a while and you will be Congratulated for not falling for the trap!
Congrats you have completed the EPF test with a perfect score and you are now an EPF agent