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Become A Ninja

1. First of all you start out as a white belt and work your way up to a black belt! Penguins that put all their hard work can get their black belt quickly!
2. To earn belts you obviously need to go to the dojo and play card-jitsu!
3. To play card jitsu click on the green cushion to make Sensei appear!
4. Click competition mode to verse other penguins! Also there is someting very important. Don’t use the blue mats to earn belts! The mats are for playing for fun and gaining experience!
5. When you are getting closer to black belt you will be matched up with someone that  is around your belt level.
6. If you don’t know how to play card-jitsu read the instructions when you go to Sensei!
7. Now Once you earn your black belt! It’s time to Verse Sensei to prove your a true ninja and earn your mask!
8. The secret to beating Sensei is that you need to VS him a lot of times until he messes up!
Note: Only black belts can beat him no one else can!
9.  Once you beat me you’re a true ninja! Sensei will give you your mask and you head off on your own with many other ninjas!

Credit To:  http://clubpenguin-rockz.com/ For The Images